Yimin Wang

Yimin Wang 

Guangdong Institute of Intelligence Science and Technology

firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com

Building 6,
No. 2515 Huandao North Road,
Hengqin 519031, China

About | Publications | Google Scholar | ORCID


Yimin Wang (王宜敏) is currently a Principal Investigator at Guangdong Institute of Intelligence Science and Technology, leading the Lab of Computing and Visualization for Connectomics Data. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Brain and Intelligence (BrainTell) of Southeast University. As a computational neuroscientist, his current research goals include 1) exploring the brain anatomical structures at single-cell level with the assistance of various techniques such as immersive visualization, image computing, machine intelligence-based analysis, etc. and 2) answering biological questions such as how many cell types are there in a certain brain region, how cells connect together to form circuits, etc. Previously, he has also worked at Shanghai University and IBM Research - China.

Recently he developed TeraVR, a virtual reality-based tool that can be used for the immersive, collaborative, and interactive annotation of neuronal morphologies from light microscopy imaging data. With TeraVR, a number of major global brain initiatives are now producing some of the most complete neuron morphology data at an unprecedented efficiency.

🧩 🧩 🧩 2022-09 I'm actively looking for postdocs, Ph.D. candidates, as well as interns.

Ongoing events


Find more recent publications at Google Scholar.


Petabyte-Scale Multi-Morphometry of Single Neurons for Whole Brains
Shengdian Jiang, Yimin Wang (co-first), Lijuan Liu, Sujun Zhao, Mengya Chen, Xuan Zhao, Peng Xie, Liya Ding, Zongcai Ruan, Hongwei Dong, Giorgio Ascoli, Michael Hawrylycz, Hongkui Zeng, Hanchuan Peng
bioRxiv 2021


Cross-Modality Coherent Registration of Whole Mouse Brains
Lei Qu, Yuanyuan Li, Peng Xie, Lijuan Liu, Yimin Wang, Jun Wu, Yu Liu, Tao Wang, Longfei Li, Kaixuan Guo, Wan Wan, Lei Ouyang, Fang Xu, Guoqiang Bi, Hongwei Dong, Michael Hawrylycz, Hongkui Zeng, Hanchuan Peng
Nature Methods 2022
[link] [PDF]


Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types
Hanchuan Peng, Peng Xie, Lijuan Liu, Xiuli Kuang, Yimin Wang, …, Hongkui Zeng
Nature 2021
[link] [PDF] [News @ 科技日报]


A multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex
BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) (incl. Yimin Wang)
Nature 2021
[link] [PDF]


Cellular Anatomy of the Mouse Primary Motor Cortex
Rodrigo Muñoz-Castaneda, …, Yimin Wang, …, Hong-Wei Dong
Nature 2021
[link] [PDF]


Binocular encoding in the damselfly pre-motor target tracking system
Jack A Supple, Daniel Pinto-Benito, Christopher Khoo, Trevor J Wardill, Samuel T Fabian, Molly Liu, Siddhant Pusdekar, Daniel Galeano, Jintao Pan, Shengdian Jiang, Yimin Wang, Lijuan Liu, Hanchuan Peng, Robert M Olberg, Paloma T Gonzalez-Bellido
Current Biology 2020
[link] [Cover picture] [News @ New York Times]


TeraVR Empowers Precise Reconstruction of Complete 3-D Neuronal Morphology in the Whole Brain
Yimin Wang, Qi Li, …, Hanchuan Peng
Nature Communications 2019
[link] [PDF] [Code] [Research highlights in Nature Methods] [News @ Allen Institute] [News @ 科技日报]